The Objective Blog

Keep up with what we're thinking, reading, and doing.

The Long Tail

May 8th, 2006 - by Brett Derricott - Salt Lake City, Utah

Although I’ve been hearing about and occasionally seeing references to a concept called “The Long Tail,” I hadn’t given it much attention until a friend brought it up recently. If you’re in the business of helping your clients promote their products or services I think The Long Tail concept is worth understanding. Read the rest of this entry »

The Read-it-Online Generation

February 28th, 2006 - by Brett Derricott - Salt Lake City, Utah

I’ve had several opportunities lately to work with clients in industries that are fairly old-fashioned with respect to their view of customers. Their comments and attitudes about customer interaction have me thinking…will they have to adapt to survive? Read the rest of this entry »

Video Podcasts Yield Ratings Results

January 19th, 2006 - by Brett Derricott - Salt Lake City, Utah

NBC is reporting a boost in ratings for “The Office,” one of 12 NBC shows available for download from iTunes to an iPod. While some experts are skeptical that the source of the boost is indeed the video downloads, other experts indicate that the young-adult audience, a major demographic for iTunes and the iPod, is much more responsive to on-demand entertainment and represents a new additive audience.

So what does this mean for the advertising world? It means many of the old assumptions and paradigms are on their way out. We’re using the example of TV but this concept applies to media in general. Read the rest of this entry »

Google Buys Radio Advertising Firm

January 17th, 2006 - by Brett Derricott - Salt Lake City, Utah

The BBC is reporting that Google has purchased dMarc Broadcasting for an estimated $102 million. Google is rapidly expanding from its dominant position in paid web searches to include more traditional advertising methods like radio and print. Existing Google advertisers will now be able to purchase radio spots through Google along with the web ads Google already offers through its AdWords program. Read the rest of this entry »