The Radar: January 3, 2018

Investing in AI What every business should know before investing in artificial intelligence. Full article Strange Tech Stories The 9 strangest tech stories o
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The Radar: December 28, 2017

Rounding Errors Tips on avoiding rounding errors in responsive design. Full article Realtime API Solution An open source library that helps turn rest APIs in
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Work Smaller An argument for smaller, more granular tasks and goals. Full article Machine Learning 101 Learn the basics of machine learning. Full article C
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Programming Biases 5 cognitive biases you should be aware of while programming. Full article The Angular Breakup Letter While Angular has gained popularity a
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Developer Friendly Databases Learn how to determine which NoSQL database is right for your app. Full article Drawing Widget A drawing widget you can embed an
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Elixir School Lessons on the Elixir programming language. Full article Tips on Tests One developer's thoughts on finding the balance between writing the righ
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Ruby Creatures Meet some of Ruby's exceptional creatures. Full article Dawn of the Microlith An overview on the pros and cons of both monoliths and microserv
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Elm in Production In this 30 minute video, learn about one developer's experience using Elm. Full article Understanding Country An interesting blog post on t
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Code With Clarity Working code is not aways good code. Learn a few key principles to better code for clarity. Full article Building Stickiness Learn how to b
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The Radar: November 1, 2017

Write Better Async Tasks A handy checklist to help you write better Celery async tasks. Full article What's New for Python Users? Anaconda launched its new 5
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