We're Getting Ripped Off

You're so glad the days of dial-up Internet access are a thing of the past, right? We're all happily using broadband and surfing the 'net with super-speed connec
October 27, 2009 October 27, 2009

Interactive Agencies

I just read an interesting article on the Advertising Age website. The author, Phil Johnson, talks about the trend toward agencies wanting to incorporate more in
March 20, 2008 March 20, 2008

How Website Hosting Works (in Plain English)

In the course of doing business at Objective over the years I've had quite a few conversations where I've ended up explaining how domain names, hosting, and name
February 17, 2007 February 17, 2007

Ten Buzzwords and What They Mean

Admit it. You've used a buzzword in a conversation without really knowing what it means. Or someone else used one and you just played along as if you knew exactl
October 31, 2006 October 31, 2006