The Objective Blog

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Next Generation Advertising

June 25th, 2007 - by Brett Derricott - Salt Lake City, Utah

Read/WriteWeb has an interesting article up about Next Generation Advertising. The article draws primarily from a presentation made by Google’s VP of Sales and Operations, Sheryl Sandberg.

Sheryl identifies 3 things about the future of online advertising:

  1. Advertisers need to get better at creating a 1:1 experience for their users. As an example, she cited the work that Cadillac did with their MyCadillac campaign.
  2. Advertisements need to continue increasing personalization. This was surprising to me, given that I don’t believe Google has publicly announced any plans to incorporate behavioral targeting into their ad delivery system.
  3. Users are demanding the delivery of information to be an experience and advertising must respond to it, just like content needs to.